Understanding engagement and how it really works

It’s important you understand how engagement really works. What I’ve learnt in marketing is that if you’re the first in the inbox, the first in the voice mail, first in the letter box and the first in the meeting, you’ve got the opportunity to steal the attention of your customer and the attention is one of the most important parts of our conversation.

Most businesses don’t check their email statistics. They generally don’t know how many people are reading them and even worse than that, they don’t know whether or not they’re actually clicking on any of the links. It is important that you make sure the database system you’re using actually has the capability and the ability to be able to give you statistical reporting about who is opening up all of the emails that you’re sending out.

You should really take yourself out of the mix and put yourself in a position to see what it’s like to actually be a customer on the inside of your business. A lot of real estate agents will be devastated by this process because unfortunately we’re not as good at marketing as we think we are.  You’ve got to understand what you’re doing from a marketing point of view to lift the level of engagement.

What would happen if you added a buyer to your weekly email but then at week four you stopped sending the email and you rang them and said, “Hey Josh, you’ve been receiving our email for the last four weeks.  I just thought I’d quickly check in to see, have you guys bought anything yet?”

Engagement is about using different mediums in a way to lift the level of response in working with your client.  We use video marketing as a major engagement piece of marketing. In a training course a few weeks ago a client came up to me and said “Josh, even though this is the first time that we’ve ever seen you speak, I kind of feel like I’ve been sitting in your seminar over the course of the last year because every week we just watch the videos that keep on coming from a training point of view over and over and over and over again.”  That’s the power of engagement.  When people really start to understand what you offer to the marketplace.

So start to think “what can I do to completely shift my business model?  Not just from attraction but also into engagement so I can become more engaged in working with more buyers, potential sellers, past market appraisals, past clients, and your current clients.”

One of the great rules that I’ve learnt in business is to make sure that every day you speak to a minimum of 25 people.  If you do that your business will grow substantially.  Remember, the secret to success is making sure that you market consistently rather than when you have to.  That’s the difference, always being there. You need to understand, it’s not about you and your situation, it’s about the most important person in the world, your customer and their situation.

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