Understanding What the Customer Wants

Being a great agent isn’t just about selling the house. Today my Coaching Tip is all about understanding what the customer wants, because you need to alleviate the challenges the customer is facing and do the job the customer is actually trying to get done.

Let me give you an example from a recent listing presentation. In this case, I knew both the agent and the vendor. This vendor had come up with a different location and was selling the home as executor of a will.

The agent went through the listing presentation and thought he had covered everything, but the vendor hesitated to sign and asked to think about it overnight. They left the listing unresolved. The agent then rang me and said he didn’t think he won the listing.

Next, the vendor called me and offered me feedback on the exchange. He said the agent was exceptional in understanding all the steps and the processes the listing would need to go through, but did not understand the vendor and his needs.

There was no consideration by the agent that, as the executor of a will, the vendor was experiencing an emotional time in selling a loved one’s property. He was also dealing with beneficiaries who didn’t get along. This vendor really needed an agent who would take some of that pressure off, and he felt that need was not being met by this agent.

As an agent, you must shift the conversation. Determine what the customer’s needs are other than just selling their property. You do this by asking the right questions to get the information you need so you can alleviate their pain. Gain an understanding of life cycle marketing so you know which stage your customers are going through right now. Your job is fixing those specific challenges so they can sell their property with the least amount of stress. Deliver on that service and you’ll be their logical choice.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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