Trigger Points

Cleaning up your database is a lot more work than simply building and maintaining it properly in the first place. You have to make sure clients go into the proper categories, and then continually progress them into new ones. In my Coaching Tip today I will show you the trigger points that alert you to these transitions and what you need to do with them.

You must have your 10 basic database categories in place or you’re lost from the start. With that structure in place you can simply enter new clients into their proper categories. But their situations are going to change and those changes are opportunities you don’t want to miss. You need to be on top of the trigger points that place them into new categories.

This may seem overwhelming with the numbers of new clients you meet every month. You can’t call every single one of those people every week, but you do need to call the top potential clients at the right moment in their process. The key is watching for lead scoring actions that tell you it’s time to change a client’s category from buyer to buyer hit list, or market appraisal to seller.

Watch for those clients who request a second appointment, ask to review a contract, make an offer, or bid at auction. Those are hit list clients and you need to follow up with them while they’re active. Market appraisals also allow you to identify red light/orange light/green light clients and act on the green lights quickly to get them on track as sellers. Any client activity is a potential trigger point.

Also remember that most clients are not one-dimensional and should often be placed into more than one category. A buyer is probably also going to be a market appraisal, and might be a past client as well. They may also be a landlord or tenant. Keeping your categories current and customers sorted is crucial for targeting the right contacts at the best times to move them forward.

Learning to catch trigger points and respond to them quickly will help you build better call lists and complete more transactions. It’s all about searching effectively, prospecting productively, and leveraging the power of your database to get results.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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