To Be One Of Your Customers

You know how to think like an agent, but do you know how to think like a customer? Being a great agent requires knowing and doing what your customer expects from you. In this Coaching Tip I will show you how to deliver a great customer experience by visualising what it’s like to be your customer.

Agency-based marketing is all about the customer. Think about some of your past clients and how you conducted business with them. What did they receive from you before, during and after the transaction – especially after?

We recommend the anniversary experience, directly contacting clients one day, one week, one month and one year after a sale, and then on the anniversary of the sale each year. Also sending them relevant news they can use, including reports on their local marketplace as well as news from outside their area.

Delivering outstanding customer experience during your transaction, then following up with frequency and relevancy, establishes you as a trusted advisor. You want their referrals and their return business. Failure to nurture the client relationship long-term is a big mistake.

Always be thinking about how you can stay frequent and relevant to each client, then apply that thinking to their entire category. As you grow beyond your start-up phase, you will quickly accumulate more past clients than you can personally keep up with. This is why you must automate your marketing and target the specific needs of each category.

Automation also allows you to manage your expanding task load. Instead of trying to do hundreds of tasks each day, set one day per month to create a list of past client transactions for that month and call a few of them each day. Also set a day each week for ongoing tasks, such as Mondays for open for inspection follow-ups, and Thursdays to call on past clients.

To be effective with agency-based marketing you have to understand the categories inside of your database and market to each of those categories. A great way to track what your customers are receiving from you – and what they’re not getting, but should — is to add your own email address to each category so you receive the same messages they do. You will quickly identify gaps in communication and get those clients into your feed.

Make sure you look into our Josh Phegan Company Membership and our incredible List Sell Negotiate event coming up soon.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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