The Vision for Your Business

If you don’t know where you’re going, how do you expect to get there? Having a compelling vision for your business and following through on it is crucial for real growth. This Coaching Tip is all about planning your future and I’m going to guide you through to achieve that today.

If you are doing business day to day simply accepting a few windfalls here and there then you are flailing. To get ahead you have to pay attention:
• How many listings and sales do you want?
• What level income would you like to realise?
• What kinds of vacations do you dream of taking?

When you operate without clarity or purpose you might see some minor growth each year purely by chance. But if you act with purpose you will experience power and momentum you never thought possible. You have to know what you want and believe you can achieve it. Like climbing Mount Everest, nobody gets there without a solid plan, a great team, and a desire that drives them to the top.

You need to hire capable, motivated people to keep your business progressing even when you aren’t there so you can take time off and avoid burnout. Focus on one or two things you can change to get more work done. Decide the level of income you require to support the lifestyle you want. Think ahead 20 years, and don’t limit yourself.

We’re going to begin your plan right now. Take paper and pen, and write a header for 2021. List these elements for the next 5 years to drive real progress in your business:
1. How many listings and sales will you get?
2. What income will those listings and sales bring in?
3. How many annual leave days will you take?
4. What size team must you have to secure market momentum?
5. How do these numbers relate to your specific market trends?
6. What market share must you have to achieve these numbers?

Set realistic numbers here so you have true clarity on what is possible and decide what you need to do to increase those numbers. Start that momentum right now by creating a plan of action based on your vision for your future. You’ll never get there if you don’t set the destination, map the journey and then take that first step forward.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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