The one number you need to track

There’s one key number that will tell you how well you’re going as an agent, and that’s how many appointments you’re booking each week. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how we develop as agents and what you can do to grow your success more quickly.

The reality is that you’ll only book 3 appointments a day, but you need to get to that number consistently to reach a target goal of 60 appointments a month. When you’re just starting out in real estate you work buyer appointments selling stock made available by all the agents in your office. A lot of those buyers are also going to be sellers. From there you progress into market appraisals, and then into listing appointments.

Your diary will reflect your progress as your 60 buyer appointments per month begin to include more market appraisals. Then you’ll start booking progressively more listing presentations. But the core number you want to keep tracking on is appointments per month. The more of those that are listing presentations, the greater success you’ll realise.

Part of how we develop as agents is our drive to succeed. If you’re having a bad week and not getting those bookings you need, simply make a commitment every business day not to go home until you’ve booked 3 appointments. Exercise that hunger to win and you will become a great agent.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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