The Main Purpose

When you get clear about the purpose of your business, that clarity changes the entire way that you work. In my Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip this week I want to help you focus on the main purpose beyond profits, because everything that you do stems from that.

On the inside of our business, our main purpose is to inspire estate agents to achieve their potential and to reach financial freedom. Everything we do is about that. I want you to think about the underlying thing that you believe in that drives your business. Why did you start your company? What is the problem you’re solving? What is the challenge that your business resolves better than anyone else?

Purpose is ultimately about understanding what you’re going to do to help people along their journey. If you just want to make money, that doesn’t do anything for your client. If you get clear on your purpose, then you start thinking about how to make it easier for people.

That might mean holding seminars for tenants about how to buy their first property, or do sessions for landlords about what to do to grow their portfolio. Start to think differently about problems you’ve never really thought about before. Where are the areas where things are clunky and not really working? Maybe you’re moving from one thing to the next, but you’re not getting the result that you want to get for your client.

Here’s a great example of making it easy. One of the greatest challenges in property management is the to-ing and fro-ing between the property manager and the tenant about the cleanliness of the home when the tenant moves out. What would happen if, for a small fee to the tenant, we simply send a cleaner through the property after they leave. Call it “Tenant Easy.” Fix the issue for the tenant and for the property manager.

That’s what a great business does. It alleviates the pain points. We want to make property easy for people. Make that the main purpose and you completely change the game.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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