The Fundamentals that Count

What you’re doing right now will determine how well you do in the months ahead. It all comes down to being great at the fundamentals that count, and in my Coaching Tip today I’ll show you what you need to focus on most.

The best barometer to your success is the number of appointments you meet each month. I want you to look at your diary for the past month. Have you been as busy as you thought you were? Probably not. Set a goal now to book 3 appointments per day, and categorize them so you can track their effectiveness.

I use codes to track how many bar appointments (BAP), listing appointments (LAP) and market appraisals (MAP) I do each month. If you keep a digital diary you can search those items easily. Tracking your numbers of appointments this way allows you to see how they directly affect your listings, sales and income. And that impacts your results for months to come.

Think of it this way: If you’re having trouble just getting face to face with customers, who is going to want to use you as their agent? Don’t just focus on dollar productive appointments because you’ll miss out on opportunities for generating referrals, building relationships and being the trusted advisor people come to when they’re ready to buy or sell property. Of the fundamentals that count, those 3 appointments a day are crucial to your business success.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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