The Do and Don’t Do list

There are good solid foundational principles that we follow, but some old school practices just don’t work anymore. The world has changed over the past 10 years and agents need to change with it. In my Coaching Tip this week I’m going to give you the Do and Don’t Do List for finding your best lead sources, and explain why it’s important to the way you do business.

Clearly, there are things you know work, and there are old industry standards and dogmas that don’t. Technology, and the mobile phone, in particular, have revolutionized people’s relationships, expectations, and the way we all live. So why believe that old-school cold calling and door knocking is still effective?

In his book, Bottom Line Change, Ari Weinzweig describes the Change Formula, which simply states that change begins first with dissatisfaction. Next, there’s a vision, and last is the action of taking first steps. As you start thinking about how to get in front of more customers more often, consider why people make changes in the first place.

Will you see a greater response from cold calling or door knocking people who aren’t actively looking to buy or sell? Or will you have a better chance with customers who are dissatisfied, looking for a change, and/or taking action? There are already hundreds, even thousands of people inside of your database. Why are those contacts there if you’re not going to use them?

If you’re a new agent, work inside of someone else’s team to build your social proof, meet buyers at opens, learn about the stock and pricing of your area, and build on those existing relationships inside of the firm’s database. The goal here is to use the Do and Don’t Do List to generate your best leads with those customers who clearly want a change, have a vision and are taking steps to work with you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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