The Customer Experience

Your customer isn’t just buying a property; they’re buying an experience. In my Coaching Tip today I’m talking about the customer experience and where you want to set your standard. You can deliver a two-star experience or a six-star experience. The question is, would you rather get a two-star fee or a six-star fee?

Providing a level of experience that matters determines your position in the experience economy. A great customer experience is going to change your customer’s experience curve. This defines their expectations for a normal, above normal, or below normal experience. It’s a delicate balance and everything you do affects it. So you need to be clear on the level of service you want to deliver and maintain that standard as the normal experience for your brand.

If you believe you’re a six-star agent then you’d better deliver a six-star service. Don’t deliver a different standard than your brand is known for. If you pitch as The Reject Shop, deliver The Reject Shop. But if you pitch as a Louis Vuitton-type service, then deliver a Louis Vuitton level experience. Understand the standard you’re pitching and deliver on it.

I believe the way you leave the customer on settlement day determines whether they’ll become a future customer.

For example, some of the best agents send in a cleaner after the current owner moves out, and before the new owner moves in. They’re setting a higher experience curve by making the customer experience a lot better. This is how you rate as a six-star service and negotiate that six-star fee, because your two-star competition will only deliver a two-star experience.

Remember, it’s your role to set that customer experience journey, and that’s what will keep your customers coming back.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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