Targets and Managing Anxiety

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As real estate agents it’s simply in the nature of our business that we will experience anxiety. You will sometimes feel discouraged and overwhelmed. This is normal. The key to dealing with anxiety is learning how to manage it, and the best way to do that is to know what you need to do and focus on accomplishing your goals.

Once you decide how many listings and sales you need to complete to be successful, then you can begin to make that happen. For example, let’s say you know you need to write $500,000 in gross fees. Just looking at that number may make you feel anxious, but we’re going to break it down into manageable bits.

First, you are working with a ten-month year because you will need a vacation, and the market will have an off month or two. So divide your $500,000 target by 10. You now have $50,000 to focus on writing per month. Next, assume your average fee is $10,000. In order to make $50,000 in sales per month you only need to sell five homes, so you will want to list seven homes just to be sure. Therefore, seven listings per month is your base goal.

Now set a weekly goal by dividing the month into 4 weeks, and working to get 2 listings per week. Now, you need to put in the work necessary to get those 2 listings per week, because if you don’t you will find yourself 3 weeks into the month with no listings and high anxiety. However, since you have set a weekly goal for yourself, you have a clear target to work toward instead of making random efforts here and there.

Knowing where you want to go and creating steps to get you there also allows you to measure and quantify your success. And that helps you to grow and expand, because once you can reach your target goals then you need to raise that bar and aim for the next level up. Always aim to step up from your current target. You will also discover that when you stay focused and you are aggressively pursuing a goal, you will not feel anxious; you will feel confident. Action gives you confidence; inaction takes your confidence away. And feeling confident significantly reduces your anxiety. With every week you fail to list any properties your confidence will decrease, but every week you achieve even a single listing will increase your confidence and decrease anxiety.

Here’s a simple tracking tip: Write the numbers 1 through 7 in a column on a sheet of paper. Each time you list a property, write it in next to a number. Do the same thing for sales and income. Post that paper where you will see it every morning as you start your day, and commit yourself to do the work necessary to add the next listing/sale to that list. Use this simple list to focus your intensity every day so you can do the work that counts now, and then you will be able to relax and truly enjoy a well-earned vacation.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week. In the meantime, if you have questions or need our assistance simply reply to this email to contact us here at the Josh Phegan Company.

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