Career Progression

People leave your business because you’ve asked them to go, or because someone else has presented them with a more compelling vision for their future than you have. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’ll coach you on career progression and why you must have a plan for managing your organization’s growth. […]

Ep 108 – The Role of a Great Sales Manager

In this High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss the role of a great sales manager. Alex addresses negotiation skills and preparation. He and Josh tell why they support open office information sharing and how this exchange helps your brand. They also discuss how to deal with conflict and competition […]

Would You Re-Hire Your Team?

Is the team you’ve got today capable of taking your business to double, or even triple its growth? For my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I want you to ask yourself, would you re-hire your team today, or are there people in your organisation who are holding back your business potential? You need […]

Ep 94 — How to Lift People Up Inside of Your Team

In this High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about how to lift people up inside of your team. It’s about handing over control to other people. Josh notes two key ways to do that and Alex tells how he does it with his team. Josh warns against losing […]

Effort Is Not the Same as Impact

[LIFTER-video size=”standard”][/LIFTER-video] You’ve got some great people inside of your business right now who are putting in a lot of effort but getting nowhere with their careers. In my Growth, Leadership, and Management tip this month I’ll help you see how effort is not the same as impact, and help you coach, mentor, inspire, and […]

Opportunity Gaps

If you’re really honest about the status of your business you’re going to see room for improvement. Today my Growth, Leadership and Management tip is about finding your opportunity gaps and planning to grow past them. The most fundamental area of growth that too many businesses overlook is around recruitment. Just like a sports team, […]

Feature Interview – Alexander Phillips & William Phillips Part 1

This is a special holiday edition of our High Performance Podcast featuring Josh Phegan in a live interview with Alexander Phillips and William Phillips. Today’s discussion took place at the 2016 List Sell Negotiate event. They cover a list of questions for the audience beginning with database size and time it takes to build it. […]