Ep 320 – Power of cross selling

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about the power of cross selling, price range vs. buyer requirements, cross selling through campaigns, and finding the place where price and value meet.

Founders Ep 6 – Innovating with payment processing gateways

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan & David Choi are joined by Julian Antonescu of Money Me, which provides financial credit with the speed and convenience of digital access. Julian explains how his List Ready product gives agents control over the buy now pay later model. We examine risk management around vendor paid vs. agent paid marketing, digital payment processing gateways for real estate, lowering customer barriers to entry, increasing vendor options and support, and resolving agent barriers to adoption.

Founders Ep 1 – The new era of digital workflow

In this podcast, Josh Phegan & David Choi interview Angus Ferguson, Commercial Director of Agent Solutions at Domain Group. In this first episode, we talk through the journey from taking bids at auctions and distributing sales results to signing agency agreements and contracts digitally, the rise of the digital agent and how apps are reinventing workflow. Angus’s vision for the future of work is by designing customer interaction and experiences for both the real and digital world.