Dealing Naturally with Objections

You know that objections are simply part of the sales negotiation process. But do you know how to handle them? It helps to realize that objections are natural whether you are working with buyers, tenants, landlords or sellers. They occur because the client has questions and concerns about the sales process and the outcomes that […]

They won't buy it if they don't know it's there

It is important to know what marketing means to you, because your own beliefs about marketing will determine how effective it is for you and your clients. If nothing else, you should understand the vital role marketing plays in selling properties, and how that works. At the core, it really is pretty simple. Marketing is […]

The key elements for a successful auction

Selling by auction can be stressful, but there are several things you can do before auction day to alleviate some of the stress. Mostly you want to make sure your buyers will be fully prepared to bid and buy property. Having buyers who are qualified and confident will help assure that properties receive the very […]

Asking powerful questions and why using trial closes are so important

One of the most important elements inside of a listing presentation is tactics. One key tactic is the “trial closure” because it allows you to test how ready your customer is to enter the market with you. You do this by simply asking some important questions. Know beforehand the kinds of questions you want to […]

How to structure a winning listing presentation

We have spoken before about the importance of creating a winning listing presentation. Today we’re going to discuss how to achieve that. The listing presentation, as you know, is your opportunity to explain your sales process and approach to a customer in a way that will persuade them to choose you to represent them as […]

Listing Presentations that Win

Knowing how best to execute your listing presentation and making sure that you are really comfortable with it are vital to getting and retaining customers. Inside of the listing presentation, the opener and the closer are critically important. The opener sets the tone for the presentation and allows you to pitch towards the selfish desires […]

Seller management and the setup to sell meeting

Today we’re going to speak about what is probably one of the most important meetings inside of the vendor relationship management. The seller management meeting is actually a “setup to sell” meeting. A lot of agents claim to do it, but out of all of my coaching clients I have not seen anyone doing seller […]