Planning For Growth In Your Business

Every business needs a business plan, and your real estate business is no exception. Your business plan is a clear and detailed picture of your business. This is where you plan your strategy for success and plot the numbers that will show you how you are doing. This means knowing the numbers of houses and […]

The Million Dollar Mindset and Scalable Growth

Do you have a “million dollar mindset”? That’s great! But – Are you working in a million dollar market? You may have the right attitude and work ethic to make 100 sales a year and reach a million dollars in sales – but your market may not be big enough to accommodate you, even if […]

Why Sticking To A Plan Works

Some aspects of success in real estate are universally basic and necessary. Recently the four finalists for our Australia’s Changed Agents Awards gave presentations at our Real Estate Blue-Print Conference. Not surprisingly, all of these agents did the exact same basic things that allowed them to radically improve their business. The first thing each of […]

Critical Skills for Your Success

There are three critical skills you need to have a handle on inside your business: Prospecting, finding and winning potential sellers, and selling the properties. It is important for you to do an audit of your business in order to discover the critical components you have in place, and identify those you need to cultivate. […]

Numbers you can’t hide from

This week we are going to talk to you about Hard Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Hard KPIs are significantly more important than the Soft KPIs we discussed last time. These are the numbers you can’t hide from. The Hard KPIs in your real estate career are your foundation: Total number of listings, the number of […]

Knowing the most important numbers to measure and why

What should we measure and why should we measure it? It is important for you to know the core numbers that are critically important to your success. Your Soft Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are definitive elements, such as the number of call sessions that you do per day. Most agents we work with aim to […]

Do you want big leverage or small leverage in your business?

Write down the actual personal income that you’ve earned over the last twelve months. Now put a little x2 underneath that figure and calculate how much more you could be earning – two times your starting figure. This is what we call “doubling the numbers.” When you think about doubling your income, what are some […]

What numbers do you measure and how do you manage them so you keep yourself on track?

There are two types of key performance indicators (KPIs); we have soft KPIs and hard KPIs. In training we focus mostly on hard KPIs, which are your listings, sales and income.  These are critically important as they lead to the end result, being the income that you produce. Most agents don’t spend enough time tracking […]