Ep 42 — Role Transitions: Lead Sales Agent, Principal, Owner and Director 

This High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talking about transitioning roles throughout your career, from lead sales agent to principal, owner and director. Alexander tells how his office functions with an open, non-hierarchical plan. Josh talks about understanding and focusing on the core tasks of your position and […]

Focusing on the Numbers

Your numbers are the measurement of your business success, or failure. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll be focusing on the numbers that are most important: listings, open for inspections and appointments. If you’re not hitting these, you’re not going anywhere. All of your numbers matter, but your most crucial number is listings. If you […]

Ep 36 — Creating a Future Greater Than Your Past

Today’s High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on how to work beyond past failures and realize future success. Alexander advises setting goals continually, knowing what you want out of life and loving what you do. Josh cites early influences in life and Alexander adds his own experiences and […]

Creating a Supporting Environment

You’re about to see your business in a whole new light, because my Coaching Tip this week is going to open your eyes. Before you can tell where you’re going you have to know where you are, and if your surroundings aren’t inspiring you and your team towards achievement then you have to make some […]

Ep 19 – Setting Up a Great Year

Today’s High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents featuring Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips focuses on when to auction a property vs. when to take it to market. Alexander tells how he starts off his year and sets a rhythm for moving forward. He continues with important conversations to have with client and vendors. Josh […]

The Vision for Your Business

If you don’t know where you’re going, how do you expect to get there? Having a compelling vision for your business and following through on it is crucial for real growth. This Coaching Tip is all about planning your future and I’m going to guide you through to achieve that today. If you are doing […]