Ep 112 – The Big Jump: Getting Fast Fee Growth

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on the big jump to getting fast fee growth and how to get it inside of your business. Alex lists some of those things you need to do, advises having the confidence to do them, and encourages you to know your own […]

Business is All About Intention

The Pareto Principle states that 20% of your actions drive 80% of your results. In real estate that 20% is all about the phone calls and other connections, you make that get you face to face with the customer. Business is all about intention and in my Coaching Tip today I’ll help you understand and […]

Ep 106 – Marketplace Seasons and Cycles

  This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on seasons and cycles in the market that you need to understand. Alex tells how to recognise and respond to changes in the marketplace so you can advise and progress clients. Josh talks about what to do when your marketing slows […]

Ep 105 – Extending the Team Environment

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss extending the team environment. Alex describes the basics of team building based on what you need as a new or established agent. Josh tells how a new assistant shows you where your systems are lacking so you can improve, and suggests where […]

Ep 102 – What to Do When Momentum Happens

In this High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss what to do when the momentum happens. First, Josh stresses that you don’t drop the prospecting and Alex notes some ways to deal with momentum as it’s happening while maintaining consistency. Josh reminds us that the momentum isn’t forever, so stay […]