The Do and Don’t Do list

There are good solid foundational principles that we follow, but some old school practices just don’t work anymore. The world has changed over the past 10 years and agents need to change with it. In my Coaching Tip this week I’m going to give you the Do and Don’t Do List for finding your best […]

Ep 121 – Simplifying Your Business

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on simplifying your business. Josh lists things he does, and also notes things he doesn’t do. Alex elaborates on ways you can really understand what you do so you can more effectively simplify those processes. Josh tells how a lot of activities […]

Head in the Game

Real estate agents striving for success need to make sure they are mentally tough. I explain some ways to make sure your head is always in the game. We’ve all seen mentally inferior tennis players double fault to lose a tiebreak and everyday real estate agents face just as much pressure. So how can you ensure you play like Roger Federer rather than ‘Nigel Nobody’?

Hiring an Assistant

Agents looking to grow their business should keep the adage ‘many hands make light work’ top of mind. As the number of properties you list and sell increases it’s vital that you build a team around you to cope with the increasing workload. There’s only so much one agent can take on themselves and that’s why hiring an assistant is a key component in progressing your business.

Ep 119 – Breaking the Million Dollar Barrier

In this High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about breaking the million dollar barrier in your mindset. Alex begins with reasons why there’s a psychological barrier, why it’s not an unattainable goal and how to make it happen. Josh poses the difference between ego and service, and Alex […]

Ep 116 – Getting Intentional with Your Business

In this High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about getting intentional in your business beginning with Alex on having the right mindset on what you want to create. Josh talks about how to discover where your best leads come from, and they discuss the importance of spending your […]

The #1 Thing is Consistency

There are cycles in the marketplace around seasons and holidays, and the great real estate agents know to stay ahead of those cycles. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll tell you why the number one thing is consistency, and why all the great agents rely on a marketing calendar. As real estate agents we’ve always […]