Getting Over Fear, Doubt, Uncertainty and Financial Pressure

In your daily business you will encounter many distractions that threaten to put you off track. The worst of these are based in fear, doubt, uncertainty and financial pressure. The good news is, all of that is completely under your control. Taking control of distractions does not mean you will never face them, but that […]

What To Do If You’re Starting Out

Click here to watch on YouTube. If you’re just starting out, welcome to real estate. If you’ve been here awhile, try to remember how you felt when you were new to the business so you can lend a hand. Following are a few core ideas and insights to help you get going in the right […]

Ready for rapid growth?

Click here to watch on YouTube. Of course you want your business to grow—but are you prepared for that growth? Now and always, you need to be thinking well beyond your current status toward the success you want to have, because if you are not prepared when it comes it will bury you. What would […]

Burnout Recovery, Renewal and Working More Powerfully

Click here to watch on YouTube. It happens to all of us: Burnout. How you handle it will determine what you can achieve during the busiest months of the year. The months of August through December are big months in real estate. A lot will be happening with all the holidays, and Daylight Savings Time […]

The List – Ultimate Productivity

Click here to watch on YouTube There are some surprisingly simple systems you can use to get yourself back on track and working at your ultimate level of productivity. First, increasing your daily bookings is as basic as starting each call session with a list of your top 5 potential sellers. It’s those face-to-face appointments […]