Ep 146 – Positioning Yourself and Your Brand

In this High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss positioning yourself and your brand by selling on service and value instead of price. Josh begins by defining what “brand” actually is, and Alex explains how to decide where you want to be seen in your marketplace. Josh details some […]

Ep 143 – Dealing With Setbacks

In this High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss methods for dealing with setbacks and getting back on track. Alex agrees with Josh that setbacks are a way of life and offers two basic things you can do to get over them. Josh advises that, when there’s been a […]

Self-Imposed Limiting Barriers

When you allow your people to become specialists in the way they work, the result is consistent delivery of great service for your brand. In this Coaching Tip I’ll show you how self-imposed limiting barriers prevent growth on the inside of your business and keep you from reaching your full potential as a real estate […]

Special Edition – Team Work featuring Alexander Phillips and Pru Kelly

This is a Special AREC Edition of the High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents featuring Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips. Today they’re discussing what really happened when Alexander entered the real estate industry. He talks about passion, drive and determination, and tells how he and his partners run their incredible firm in PPD. Alexander addresses […]

Ep 137 – Scaling and Building a Team

This High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talking about scaling and building a team. Josh begins with remuneration and bonus structures, and Alex offers guidelines to consider when bringing people into the team, with emphasis on clarity and transparency around commission incentives. They discuss different models of compensation […]