Systems Not Working For You

If your life isn’t working then you’re not working. You need systems to manage your time and keep your energy high. And you need to follow those systems, too – just having them in place won’t do it for you.

First you have to take care of yourself. If you’re not energized then you can’t bring your best effort to anything else you need to handle, including your business. Make the commitment to devote at least an hour a day to your health and fitness. Your payback for that hour will be energy, clarity and drive for the rest of the day.

Along with that, make sure you work when it’s time to work, then you can relax when it’s time to play without stressing over work you didn’t get done. Here’s a secret: If you want to love what you do, then do it often and with all you’ve got to give. The more you do it, the better it gets and the more you will love it.

Another secret to getting it done is to suit up and go without thinking about it. Don’t let your “I don’t feel like it” attitude stop you. Whether it’s your workout or your workday, put on your gear and get going. Next thing you know you’re out there moving and feeling good about yourself. That’s how successful people do it, and that’s how you’re going to do it. Remember, it’s better to feel great about what you’ve done than feel bad about what you haven’t.

Dead time can be a momentum killer unless you have a system for it. Even 30 minutes is an opportunity to get on the phone and call some people. Always have mobile access to a current call list of past market appraisals, potential sellers and past clients, and use it every chance you get. You really can work wherever you are, so capitalise on that time.

Every workday is about your personal fitness and your business fitness. Focus on your work when you’re working, and then you can really enjoy your family time, holiday time, and time to yourself. But you have to make a decision to do this and stick with it. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, all that is a black hole of wasted time that leaves you with nothing to show for it. Make your time count and your efforts pay off. You will feel much better about your life, your business and yourself if you do.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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