Stay Ahead by Prospecting Daily

You may not realize it, but if you want to be doing a successful business next season, you need to be working on that right now. How far in advance are you prospecting for potential leads now so that you can move on them when they become available?

You should be working 3 to 4 months in advance at all times, collecting leads, prospecting daily so that you have a steady pipeline of new opportunities coming in to you at all times. Find the people who are ready to come to market now. Find the people, too, who are thinking about selling so that when they decide to move you will be ready to move with them. Some of the best people to check up on are market appraisals you have done, not just within the last three months, but anytime in the past. Prospecting is a continuous process – you should be doing at least one core session a day, three if possible, with people in a position to take their property to market and sell it.

When you have properties working it makes a difference not only in the way your business works, but in how you feel about the work you are doing – and that success is projected to your potential customers in the way you present yourself, even the way you interact on the phone. So always be prospecting, always be working on something new, stay ahead of the curve and your positive actions will attract more customers.

We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip and will join us again next week.

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  1. Hi Josh
    I am new in the industry, what script and questions do you recommend for cold calling?
    thanks heaps!!

    1. Thanks for your question, The easiest way to do this is to build a system for it:

      1. Review your market area for any new just listed / sold properties and only work around them.
      2. Phone call or door knock with the intent to gain an opt-in i.e. here’s a copy of the brochure, we’d love to invite you to the open, would it be ok if I let you know when it sells and what it makes?
      3. Add them to your database.
      4. Call them when the property is sold, based on that, what does that make your place worth?
      5. Gain access for a market appraisal
      6. Keep them in your lead nurture sequence – where you call them when you list or sell a property of a similar type.

      I hope that helps

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