Starting to Plan For 2018

If you’re going to be great in the New Year you need to start thinking now about how you’re going to make that happen. My Coaching Tip today will get you starting to plan for 2018, so pull up your calendar and let’s get started.

Your first auction days are in February. You want to get going early because the later you start your auctions the less you’re going to sell in the first quarter. For auctions in February you’ll be doing open for inspections in January, and there’s no reason to wait for any holidays, like Australia Day, to pass first. The sooner you get started, the sooner you’re in business for the year.

It’s important to consider all the upcoming holidays, like Easter and Anzac Day, as well as school holidays, and that means long weekends for several weeks. This is where you really need to understand the rhythm of your marketplace and have your campaigns listed well before time to get to market.

Start thinking now of ways to get your clients to market. Get photos taken before Christmas decorations go up. Make sure legal documentation is ready before you take a property to market. Ask customers when they want to sell and when they want to settle, and get a basic agency agreement signed. Be ready to talk now with your clients who sell in November and December about forthcoming auctions in 2018 when they’re going to be looking to buy.

Some agents don’t sell any properties in January, but you can if you list your stock well before the first of the New Year. There are strategies and tactics you can use to make sure you maintain momentum right through the holidays. Starting to plan for 2018 now is critical because if you don’t, with all the upcoming holidays you’ll only have four weekends to hit your entire target numbers for the first quarter. The key, then, is to list consistently, sell consistently, and write consistent numbers.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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