The Slow Burn Recovery

In any economy, there are three stages, and we are currently in the third stage. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll explain the slow burn recovery and my market projections for a fully normalised market over the next 6 to 18 months.

We’ll review the three economic stages and discuss where we are in relation to where we’ve been. I’ll step through some recent events that have put agents off their ball around prospecting, and the post-election bounce that has agents thinking the market is back.

We’ve gotten into a two-speed economy as a result. I’ll show you the pitfalls of the first side with properties that are languishing and low seller motivation, and I’ll coach you on how to target your prospecting in the recovery side of the market.

You’ve got to know what’s actually happening with the structural movements within this economy. We’ll look at the long-term impact on property prices and how interest rates can be used to reform the economy. And I’ll show you the most important thing you should be doing in this slow burn recovery stage.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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