Simple Disciplines

It’s the simple things that will either take you where you want to go or bring you undone. My Coaching Tip today is all about those simple disciplines that keep you on track and progressing without having to think about it.

If you’re going to be good, then aim to be the best at what you do. No insecurities, no distractions, no procrastination. To perform at your best you need everything in its right place. Simplify daily tasks by creating a system to make sure basics are covered, like having your clothing clean and pressed, and having your food prepared and in the fridge. In my business we use the CAR method: set a cue, perform that action and you’ll get the desired result.

Planning your day is critically important and running to a routine makes that simple. Set a time to get to the office and make that first phone call, schedule meetings that follow a timed agenda, and get clarity on where everyone in your business needs to be. Prospect in the AM and do appointments in the PM every day. Set a day each week for specific meetings and caravans to view properties.

Change the way you think about those meetings, too. Instead of dreading them, see them as opportunities to influence your sales team to go out and sell every home you’ve got. Build that excitement, and make the connections around buyers and sellers in your marketplace right now.

Think about the areas of your business that stress you out the most and focus on relieving that stress. Do the work to get the appointments you need every week. Make sure you’re in control of your social media. Get help with your dialogue and delivery. Get clear on all you can do with the contacts and categories inside of your database. These are the simple disciplines – the systems and people – that make a massive difference to your business.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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