Setting the Pace as a Leader

Are you the kind of person that other people want to follow? In my Growth, Leadership & Management tip today I’ll help you answer that question and tell you how to be that leader. The fact is, you are a leader because you set the pace. But what kind of pace are you setting? Your people are following exactly what you do. If they’re slow, negative and uninspired then you need to have a look at your own performance.

Your energy as a leader is critically important because you’re the one who must instill your vision, your purpose and your expectations in your people every day. Being energetic and driven is attractive and influential. It’s a hallmark trait of great agents. But you have to make a conscious decision every day to be that high quality leader by staying focused on the activities that count.

Building a prospecting culture begins with setting that example for getting on the phones and calling customers, and helping people achieve their own success. Sometimes this means having difficult conversations to confront problems with some of your people. But those are the important conversations that keep those people on their career path and headed for success. There are times to be light and jovial, and times to be firm. As a leader you must know when to be friendly and when to take charge. But you must always be driven, energetic, and clear about what everyone needs to be doing every day to win in the marketplace.

Before you dictate roles for your people you must be clear and active around your own role in the business whether that’s income generation, career development, or driving the pace and tone of the company. You have to make that decision to be the kind of agent and the kind of boss you want to be. Live the values you preach, because people don’t follow your words, they follow your example. Make certain you’re setting the right one.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this Growth, Leadership and Management tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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