Sesame Street Simple

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The best agents know that there are a few basic questions that determine the course you need to take with your clients when conducting listing presentations. The key is Sesame Street simple: what they think they want and what they actually need are not the same. Your task as their agent is to determine their needs and their desires, help them reconcile the differences between the two, and move forward.

What you want is for your client to talk to you. There is a basic four-question formula you can engage them with:

1) What would you like to see happen here?
2) How would you like to see things proceed?
3) What would you like for me to do?
4) How can we best work together?

If you think about it, these questions structure your entire listing presentation by defining your client’s perceptions, needs and desires. What you learn here informs your thinking on the solutions you will provide to your clients going forward.

There is a danger of making listing presentations unnecessarily complex. Your goal is to make the process as simple as possible for your clients. You want them to feel empowered, confident, and motivated. You want them to have a positive sense of urgency toward choosing you and your agency to represent them in the sale of their home.

There is a real satisfaction here in truly connecting with your clients, determining their needs and preferences, and helping them move forward with their sale.

Some of the most relevant questions you can ask in order to facilitate this process are:
– Have you sold a home before?
– Do you have a preference between auction and for sale?
– Is there a particular price that you need to get in order to be able to move?

Your clients rely on and will respond to your expertise in pricing and market response. This is where you establish yourself as a trusted advisor.

Be mindful of how you want to represent yourself, in an organic interactive way, not by rote. Show them an open for inspection brochure from one of your earlier successful sales. Offer evidence of your credibility with examples of your prior sales.

Your auction bidding record is another viable determiner of your ability to deliver buyers from a variety of networks who are willing to pay a premium price for attractive properties.

You want your clients to know that you are proven to be current and connected, and thus you can be their trusted advisor. Remember, if they can’t see the difference, they won’t pay the difference. It’s up to you to represent yourself well to the consumer.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you next week.

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  1. Josh,

    Terrific video. The questions are valuable and can see how they will work. Will use them today with a client that is on the cusp of making a decision to sell.

    Must also add that the production quality of videos have improved greatly.

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