Sell Every Property You Take to Market

The thing that makes an agent great is understanding what it takes to sell every property you take to market. It’s more than photographing homes, working opens and showing up to auctions. In my Coaching Tip today I’m talking about being in control of timing and process, and making the most of your opportunities whilst you have them.

Build and use your buyer hit list. Those buyers who lost out on a property with you before are motivated to win the next one. But you want to get them through the home before it goes live, because once that listing hits the major real estate websites you’ve lost your negotiation power. Present the home beautifully and, more importantly, present the desired lifestyle that home represents.

Use a little compression selling to raise the buyer’s sense of competition and fear of missing out again. If they make that early offer you’re ready to negotiate. Then you need to decide whether to sell prior, go forward into the marketplace, or go to auction to get the best price possible. That decision needs to be made on a case-by-case basis. Your ability to make the right decision consistently and quickly, and sell every property you take to market, will make you a great and in-demand agent.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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