Self-Imposed Limiting Barriers

When you allow your people to become specialists in the way they work, the result is consistent delivery of great service for your brand. In this Coaching Tip I’ll show you how self-imposed limiting barriers prevent growth on the inside of your business and keep you from reaching your full potential as a real estate agent.

Your first challenge as a great agent is to understand what your limiting beliefs are. One of the greatest examples is the belief that you should be at every single open for inspection. Once you get to six, seven or eight open homes on a Saturday you discover that’s a real limiting barrier to further growth.

Think about what you’re providing to the customer and you’ll see that building a team around you will allow you to do more. You need to be able to scale your services through delivering a great customer experience. Having the right systems makes it easier to train your people. You also want the demographics within your team to reflect those of the audience you’re serving.

One way past that self-inflicted barrier around the open for inspection pace is being able to say with certainty that either you or your co-agent will be at every open for inspection. Be careful of titles because it prevents success for people inside of your team when they go to work with external clients. No one can be a “junior” in your team.

You can improve the quality of your life and business by employing a better team around you. But if you have self-imposed limiting barriers then you won’t have the vision to scale. A much bigger way of thinking is to build a team of capable people who can deal directly with every one of your clients and handle every aspect of your business. The brand itself will then carry the product.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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