Scaling Your Business

You want to grow your business, but there’s only so much work you can accomplish by yourself. My Coaching Tip today is about how to scale your business by hiring people to do those time-consuming basic tasks that keep you from focusing on the work that’s most important.

You have to let go in order to grow. That’s a basic fact of life and it’s the same for your business. You may feel the need to have your hands in every task, but do you want to be a real estate agent or an administrative assistant? Find the people who do admin support better than you and hire them. I promise you, it will take every minute of your time to become a great agent. Put a support team together and let them take care of the housekeeping.

How many open houses can you personally work on a Saturday? Realistically that number would be six. How are you going to increase your listings if you can’t show more than six homes in a day? If you want to show more homes, you have to have other people to prepare and show another six, or twelve, or twenty-four homes on a Saturday.

It’s all about capacity, and the only way you can increase that is to put on assistants and other agents to do more work than you can do alone. And frankly, they will do a better job than you, because if you are trying to work beyond your own capacity your performance – and your numbers — will suffer for it.

You need to hire a buyer assistant to show the homes, a second assistant to prep each home for inspection, and an administrative assistant to enter data, follow up on emails and online contacts, prepare lists and reports, and cover all the other agency housekeeping tasks. As your business expands, your team will grow.

Let go of the limiting belief that you have to do everything because you simply can’t scale your business trying to do it all yourself. Make the decision to hire great people to do the tasks that are holding you back. Then you can focus on prospecting, appointments, listings and sales.

Make sure you look into our Josh Phegan Company membership, Master Class Program, Prospecting School, and our incredible Blueprint Event, all coming up soon.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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