Scaling For High Capacity

The scalability of your business determines the capacity you can achieve. There are three basic ways you can increase capacity in your business: Fitness, Systems, and People.

Your business fitness is a lot like your personal fitness. It is defined by your strength, activity, and speed of recovery. Business systems define the structure within which you operate to achieve regular and consistent results. And frankly, nothing happens without people: You, your team, and your clients.

There are many opportunities available to you and your business – so many that they can become distractions. In order to capitalize on those opportunities and minimize the distraction factor, you need to build a great team that can help you achieve scalability by handling necessary maintenance tasks so that you can devote yourself to the work that requires your focus and expertise. And of course, prospecting is your number one priority because you have to have clients in order to offer properties and make sales.

One scenario is that you could have an assistant arrive to work a half hour before you do and begin the task of reviewing primary real estate websites for new listings for your target areas, and print those listings out. The assistant can then search your database to match potential sellers, market appraisals, past clients, key referrers, and landlords who lead the industry or own similar properties in those specific areas, and print out that list as well. When you arrive at the office you will have a full report on those prospects so you can immediately start making calls. What this allows you to do is have relevant conversations with active prospects in a timely manner, and to stay ahead of your competition. It also establishes you as a trusted advisor with your finger firmly on the pulse of the market.

This is only one example of systems you can put in place that will allow you to progressively expand the capacity of your business and maintain the relationships that are crucial to your continuing strength and success as a real estate agent.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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