The race for growth

Your only job is to be on the phone or in front of the customer every day. If you’re doing anything else you’re doing it wrong. In my Coaching Tip today I’m going to tell you how to scale by 300 using milestones to guide you in leveling up inside of your business.

Administrative work is necessary, but it’s not the work that brings in the fees. If you’re doing $30,000 a month 3 consecutive months then you’re at the point to put on an assistant. Once you get on the phone booking appointments full time you will radically see the results shift, but you have to make that decision to become an absolute specialist around making those calls and getting face to face with customers.

One thing you will surely discover when you put on that assistant is all the flaws inside of your business. You will have to stop working emotions and improve your systems, your checklists and your database, and that’s a good thing. You’ll learn to build a team and scale the effort in lots of 30 transactions, first to 300,000, then to 600,000, and beyond. Build that momentum and then you can scale around that.

Set your vision to focus on what you’re really good at, and have someone else to do 100% of the other work. You’re the one who understands how to take a client from one point to the next, wherever they are in their process. You help them make the decisions that will take them where they want to go. Let go of the less specialised work – including some of the phone work – and let your assistant provide the value you hired them to do. Help them build confidence and capability so they become a real asset to your business.

So, starting from day one, treat each new hire the way you want them to work inside of your organisation and they will help you scale by 300. Teach them your systems and make sure they follow them. Use checklists and forms to maintain consistency. Give them everything they need to do their work better than you can, then focus on doing your own work that mattters most.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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