Rituals that Serve You Well

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Success requires a structure, so there are some simple yet powerful rituals you should incorporate into your daily schedule. If you really want growth in your business then prospecting is your most important daily activity. You want to make that happen every day.

Ritual 1 is to stay focused on making phone calls. The first hour of your workday must be dedicated to making phone calls. Remember, your clients want to stay connected to you, and they need for you to be relevant to them and their situation. Each of them is at a point of not making a decision, or considering making a decision, or they are ready to decide and go forward. Your task is to discover where each one is in their decision making process and to move them forward.

Considering that you have thousands of clients in your database, you have to be able to find the few who are ready to choose an agent, and you do this by calling people. Make a call list for every day, print it out, and start making those calls first thing. Use your mobile phone as it makes your calls more personal. Especially at this busy time of year, you must establish prospecting as a daily ritual so that you just do it without even thinking about it. Marketing and booking appointments is the work that counts most for your business.

Other rituals you need to put in place will support your ability to prospect successfully. Setting your sleep time and sticking to it is vital to make sure you are clear and focused every morning to make those calls. Have a set time to wake up, too. If you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, simply drink 500mls of water as part of your bedtime ritual and nature will get you out of bed the next morning.

Set eating times like appointments because it really is that important to refuel at set intervals during your work day. Lunch is especially likely to get forgotten when you get busy or stressed. You must have that source of energy to carry you through, and you want to make quality choices in what you eat, too, and not have to grab whatever is available in a hurry.

Be aware that schedule changes such as daylight saving time can throw you off because your body has to adjust to the new times. Having set appointments for rituals like eating and sleeping will keep you on track so long as you stick to it.

If you think eating, sleeping, and prospecting are not important enough to schedule for, try not doing any of those things for a week and see how important they become. These are all vital activities if you are going to thrive and succeed, so making them into daily rituals makes sense.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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