Make Mobile Technology Work for You

Mobile technology has added a whole new dimension to your ability to do business effectively, but it also introduces the problem of distractions. Besides incoming phone calls, we also receive constant alerts for incoming SMS, email, and social media messages.

Within this barrage of messages is important information you need to know, but the distraction of all the random messaging wastes more of your time and energy than you may realize, and it keeps you from doing the work that really matters. Your mobile phone can quickly change from an asset to a liability.

Consider that when you are with a customer in a listing presentation you don’t let the phone interrupt you. You turn it off, or leave it in your car, or otherwise remove the distraction. The fact is, you can choose to remove that distraction for most of the rest of your business day. You can turn off the alerts and check on your incoming calls, emails and text messages at scheduled, appropriate times during your day. You can take control, remove those distractions and restore your focus.

You know that making appointments and meeting with clients is what really drives your business. One effective way to accomplish this is to work in 45 minute sessions. Within 45 minutes of concentrated work you can make your phone calls and meet your appointments, and be completely present for your clients during that time. Then you have 15 minutes each hour to check email, messages, etc. and catch up on those communications. You get your vital work done, and you don’t miss any important incoming information

Most successful agents make a daily task list and follow it. This assures that you stay on track and get all your most important tasks done. A task list also organizes your thoughts so that you don’t try to do too many things at once, or get sidetracked on less important tasks that pop up at you during your day. Also, if you work from a written or printed task list instead of a computer-based list you will avoid the temptation to check your email, your calendar and your social media while you are online.

You can also rely on your assistant to check your email and incoming messages for you and relay the truly important information to you at appropriate intervals. This removes yet another level of distractions from your day and allows you to focus even more on meeting and prospecting clients. In some cases you can save time and make a more powerful impression by answering email by phone and making that direct contact.

Also be aware that your own approach to work will be reflected in the working styles of your assistants and other agents who work for you. If you set a good example they are far more likely to follow suit.

You can take control by making the decision to remove all unnecessary distractions. Make mobile technology work for you by structuring the way you use it instead of letting it interfere with the work that really counts.

I hope you have enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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