Reduce the risk

As an agent, there are four critical areas where you need to reduce the risk to amplify performance. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll list those areas, define what they do, and help you discover areas where you can improve.

The first area is how you generate your leads. You need to know what works for you and have a formula for it that you can teach to others. Next is how you win listings. You need to know exactly what you say and do to connect with the customer and win the business.

The third area is how you sell your existing stock. Getting stock management right is critical to your success. And the fourth area is how you grow your people and your team, and help them to be successful.

I’ll show you how to examine these four areas to find and reduce the risk in your sales process today. We’ll look at what works and why, and you’ll get clear on which area you need to focus on right now to amplify performance and get better results.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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