The Real Estate Rollercoasters

Do you like riding the real estate rollercoasters? Going up and down with listings and sales each and every month is a pretty awful position to be in. So today my Coaching Tip is about watching early indicators and getting clarity of intention so you know what approaching success needs to look like for your business.

When you watch Olympic swimmers you might see a little yellow line on the screen. If the swimmer is in front of that line, it means they’re about to break a world record. You need a little yellow line to show you where you are in your race.

There’s one simple thing you can do to stay ahead inside of your business. Consistent listing leads to consistent selling. If you set target goals for listings per month, then set weekly goals to reach that monthly number, you’ll then start successfully bringing in those signed agency agreements.

But what if you get off track? When you see you have no listings at the end of the week, change your approach. If you’re going to be a great agent you need to understand the things that lead you to a successful outcome. The one thing that gets me in front of more people more often is booking appointments.

Book at least 3 appointments per day, every day. It’s that consistency most people have trouble with because most people are too emotional. That’s right, being emotional leads you into doing activities that won’t help you achieve what you want inside of your business. You have to stay off those rollercoasters by making sure you consistently list. Stay focused, hit those quarterly marks during the course of each month, and you’ll hit listing success.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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