Would You Re-Hire Your Team?

Is the team you’ve got today capable of taking your business to double, or even triple its growth? For my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I want you to ask yourself, would you re-hire your team today, or are there people in your organisation who are holding back your business potential?

You need to be clear about the type of person that you want in each role, the skills they need to bring to the table, and what you want them to achieve. But you also have to give them the opportunity to do it – or if they’re not a good fit, give them their freedom to seek growth and opportunities elsewhere.

The interesting thing is you already have a gut feeling for whether or not you’ve got the right people inside of your organisation. So what’s preventing you from putting a new person in place? Do you have a talent pool? Are you clear about the type of person you want in those roles? Have you given everyone the opportunities they need? Maybe you simply don’t believe you can find great talent so you hold on to the people you have.

When you bring on a new hire their joining experiences make the difference in how they feel about your organisation and what they’ll expect. Make sure they’re immediately exposed to great systems, dialogues, tools, and people. It’s your responsibility as a business owner to have a clear vision for a much bigger future than your past.

Great businesses build great people. They’re the backbone of what makes your business great. You want the best talent available to take your organisation to where it’s capable of being.

So ask yourself, would you re-hire your team today? If you’re prepared to have tough conversations with your people around what your standards of excellence are then you can ensure that your people live that out for you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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