Rapidly Growing a Business

You may have thought about setting up systems for your business, but if you’re not following through you won’t get the growth you need. In this Coaching Tip I will explain what a system is and outline how to set up simple systems to stay productive and reach your goals.

A system is an action you program yourself to do that will get you a guaranteed result every time. Simple, motivational systems assure your work gets done, like having a call list in your office when you arrive every the morning so you can immediately get on the phone and start prospecting first thing.

One area most agents are weak in is following up with past clients. You can arrange to have a call list of all clients who have an anniversary with you each month. Review your notes on each client and transaction, then get on the phone and call them around the anniversary date. Being consistent with this will maintain those relationships that are vital to your business.

Every time you list and sell a property there are a number of people connected to that transaction. If you have mapped each of your past clients, then you can call them up to tell them about new properties listed in their area. Share relevant information with them about when the property sells and for how much, and offer to visit them and give them a current appraisal on their own property.

This kind of consistent, relevant follow-up makes you a trusted advisor. It’s how you become the agent they call first when it’s time for them to sell and buy again, as well as the agent they refer to their friends and colleagues. That means higher fees, better marketing and more business.

If you don’t work with systems like this then you are dangerously behind the curve. Without consistency and action, you are in scarcity mode all the time and your results will be disappointing at best.

If you really want to be a great agent then systematize everything from your daily directions meetings to keeping on top of your schedule, and make sure your assistant’s daily tasks support those systems, too. Maintaining consistent performance is the only way to achieve the results your business requires for success.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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