Quick Grow

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Deciding what kind of agent you want to become will fuel your ambition to Quick Grow. Knowing what you want to achieve helps you think about what you need to do in order to accomplish rapid growth inside of your marketplace. The simple fact is, if you want to be a million dollar agent, you can’t keep working the way a $200,000 a year agent does. It helps to study how successful agents accomplish what you want to do, and allow their example to motivate you.

The challenge comes when life knocks you off track. It happens to everyone, including the top agents. The key is to do what is necessary to get yourself back on track to gaining significant market share. One of the best ways to do that is by setting goals according to measurements.

Whatever gets measured gets managed. You want to know the critical numbers that will enable you to achieve the growth you need quickly. Numbers of listings are critical indicators of your future business, but you may have set your expectations too low. Much like a thermostat, you have an internal setting for listings that may or may not be appropriate to your marketplace.

If you measure your listings month to month you will probably see that some months are really productive while others are average or below. Your goal is to smooth out those results so that each month’s numbers are averaging out consistently across the year. Think in terms of increasing from three listings a month to four. That represents an extra 33%, or $120,000 of growth over the year for your business

You’re not going to sell more properties without listing more properties. There is a big difference in results if you are listing two properties a month or ten. The goal is to get in front of more people more of the time, but you may have self-limiting beliefs holding you back. You have to identify those beliefs, push past your excuses and allow your ambition to drive you to becoming the agent you want to be.

Schedule each workday to do the things that are necessary to grow your business quickly. Spend the first part of every day prospecting with a daily goal of booking 2 to 3 appointments. Then measure and check your results – document the number of calls you completed, connections you made, and appointments you booked. If you are not booking appointments, then you need to figure out why.

Record your dialog during a few calls and play it back. What are you saying? How does your delivery come across? Would you buy property from yourself based on what you are hearing? Use this exercise to improve your communication skills. Get your pitch right, make sure you’re asking all the right questions, and also make sure you are calling the clients you really need to contact.

Thinking in terms of Quick, Grow focuses you to target the things you need most to do today to get that growth inside of your business. You must drill down to the truth about why you are not growing your business the way you want.

Really, achieving 10 to 20 transactions a month makes real estate a whole lot more fun than one or two transactions in that time frame. Having consistency and momentum, meeting new people, and staying busy keeps you from experiencing anxiety and getting overwhelmed. It’s the small things that count most toward helping you feel accomplished and progressive, so book those appointments and believe in your decisions to grow your business quickly and successfully.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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