Prospecting With Recency

Here is a prospecting exercise I learned from a highly successful Potts Point real estate agent named Jason Boon.

Get a pen and paper. Write the numbers 1 through 30. Now list 30 people you know you need to talk with next. We call this technique “Recency” because those 30 people are potential clients you probably met fairly recently and need to start prospecting right away. Jason does this every morning, and follows up by making phone calls and appointments around his list.

Part of this process is about actual prospecting, but another function of the procedure is to weed out all those other people you have met, but that you probably won’t be able to do business with for various reasons. Making a list of people who are most likely to be buying or selling real estate in the next few months helps you to focus on actual prospects instead of wasting time pursuing dead ends. The people you want to connect with are the ones who have registered to bid at auction – who have showed up for a second appointment on a property – and people who have returned your phone calls. These prospects are already active and most likely to buy or sell property within the next 3 months. And if these people have come to you they are already attracted to your business. It’s your move now to complete that connection. Don’t waste those opportunities – if you want to succeed in this business, work these Recency lists every day.

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