Prospecting to Prosper

If you want to prosper in real estate, you have to prospect consistently and successfully. That means you are on the phone calling prospects every day. Of course, some days will be better than others, but there are ways for you to improve your results even on off days.

First, make sure you have a list ready every day of prospects to call. Don’t question the process, just start calling with your primary goal in mind. And that goal is not just to make those calls, but to book appointments. If you aren’t going to work to actually get appointments there’s no point in calling. And the way you get bookings is to be yourself when you talk to people.

Some people have a different way of talking to customers on the phone than the way they talk to people face to face. If you do this, stop. It comes off as fake if you sound too polished, and you will lose rapport quickly with the client. Be yourself, be genuine, be real and people will trust you more readily.

Next, make sure you are asking the right questions. Use the “Know, Feel and Do” concept. Ask yourself:

What does my customer want their customer to know?
What does my customer want their customer to feel?
What, then, does my customer want their customer to do?

Know, feel and do moves people from emotion to action. That’s exactly what you want to make happen when you are on the phone with your prospects.

You also want to maintain relationships with your clients by keeping in touch with them. Calling them often and talking with them on friendly terms keeps you relevant to them. Being good at talking with the people you know is even more important than talking with new prospects, because you will have more conversions with clients you are already established with. Cultivate new prospects every day, but communicate with them regularly so that they soon become people you know.

For example, if you see that a new property is listed in a price range close to the going rate in another market where you know a prospect, call that person and tell them about it. Put that information on their radar. When the property sells, call them again and tell them what it sold for. Then you can ask for an appointment with them to see their house and give them an idea what it is worth today.

Being clear about your goals for prospecting and what steps to take to get results is necessary for success. Remember the Pareto Principle – the 80/20 Rule that 80% of your business comes from 20% of your actions. Make that 20% of your work every day count. Maintain effectiveness – even on off days – by having your call list ready, being genuine in the way you talk with people, focusing on getting appointments, and working in 45 minute sessions so you stay fresh and energetic.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip and I’m looking forward to seeing you here again next week.

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