Productivity Over the Phone

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Connecting with prospects by phone is probably the most important thing you do every day, so you want to be as productive as possible when you make those calls. Most agents simply leave it all up to chance whether they will make an appointment or progress a customer. But this is not a game—this is your business.

First, get focused. What is your goal in making these calls?

• To establish and maintain a business relationship
• To progress a customer
• To make an appointment with a prospect

If you are on the phone for more than 2 minutes you are probably getting off track with the purpose of the call. Either book an appointment so you can discuss things in detail with the client face to face, or progress the client quickly to the next step they need to get to.

There is some simple psychology behind the way you conduct your calls. For example, you may be surprised to learn that you will complete more phone calls using your mobile phone than your landline. People tend not to pick up for calls from marketers and organizations. A call from your mobile phone will show up as a personal call and as such is more likely to be answered.

Also be aware that you will often be answered by voicemail. You need to be ready for that and leave a message that will get people to call you back. Leaving just your surname and your brand will likely not get you a reply. Also, stating the reason for your call will prompt the client to question whether you are relevant to their situation at the moment.

Relevancy is actually a key consideration that you can use to your advantage simply by asking the right questions.

First, call from your mobile phone so the call shows up as personal. Then leave a very brief message such as, “Hey John, it’s Josh. Can you just give me a quick call? 0448-406-303,” and hang up. Most people will call back just to find out who you are and why you called.

Have a basic script for your calls that ensures the first 15 seconds of the call will result in a productive conversation. Don’t leave the exchange open to fall apart before you get started—make a simple introduction with a bit of urgency behind it. Something like, “Hi Liam, it’s Josh Phegan calling. Just a really quick courtesy call,” will answer the client’s first questions—who you are, why you are calling and how you are relevant to them. Address those questions in the first 15 seconds of the call and you will be more likely to connect and engage for the balance of 2 minutes.

It will also serve you well to have a short, sequential list of questions that will most effectively progress the customer or book an appointment with them. However, it is important that you don’t sound like you are reading from a list, or you’re in a rush, or your delivery is too polished and rehearsed. Make sure you aren’t using a “phone voice” and are instead speaking naturally as if the client was standing in front of you. Be relaxed and natural and they will be, too.

All of that may seem like a lot to think about, but if you make a few calls with these suggestions in mind the delivery will quickly become natural to you. Most importantly your calls will become more successful and you will connect with more people more often.

I hope you enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Hi Josh,
    Can you please suggest a “sequel list of questions” that we can use?

    1. Hi Robyn, great question!
      If you join Josh Phegan Membership you will have access to all my past training including scripts and dialogues. Included in membership is access to all my video content from BluePrint and also a manual and audio CD’s that will get sent to you for reference. I have an entire module on Prospecting including scripts and dialogues. Find out more through this link.

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