
In his book, Principles, Ray Dalio talks specifically about the importance of having some basic rules that set you off for success, not only in your work but also in your life. In my Coaching Tip today I’m going to give you some basic principles that will help you become a successful real estate agent.

Let’s start with 4 principles that allow you to sell a home. Negotiate for vendor-paid marketing, speak with your vendor every single business day, write weekly vendor reports on next actions and recommendations, and make sure every property you have on the market receives an offer within 10 days.

If you fail to follow these four principles, you’ll have problems in your sales campaigns. The same holds true for principles that apply to other areas of work and life. Be clear about what you want and don’t want, and then consider the principles that will lead you to success.

For prospecting, commit to a 45-minute call session every day, don’t go home until you’ve booked 3 appointments, and make sure you’re face to face with consumers every day. If you don’t have great energy, get yourself tuned up quickly. One of the best principles for that is to simply smile because you’re here to serve the customer and they won’t want to deal with your negativity.

Some of my own classic principles for managing energy to perform at my best include making sure I get proper sleep, diet and exercise. I also know it’s critically important to create an environment that feels successful to maintain a mindset geared for success.

It all comes down to building up either a system or a person. Your business is a machine you need to tune to ensure you get the results you deserve. Get these principles in play and they will lead you to success.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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