Practice Like You Play

The key to confidence is to practice like you play so you can play like you practice. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll show you how to become a better prospector by getting great at listing, and how role-play will help you accomplish that.

Prospecting is your most primary task every day so you need to get that skill set right. Part of the challenge is shifting your mindset from pursuing right-now business to working with people you already know, and being there for them when they are ready to do something.

Your other vital skill set is the listing presentation, and that’s really critical to your prospecting as well. If you’re great at listing you’ll be much better at prospecting. That’s because you’ll know the right questions to ask and the most important information you need to provide the best service possible to your customer. And knowing what you’re doing from prospecting to listing will give you confidence when you get in front of that customer.

But how do you know how good you really are if you’re not getting feedback? It’s not a comfortable thing to hear that you need to do some things better, but it’s necessary. One of the best ways to get that feedback is through role-playing with your peers. Set a practice session with another agent, switch back and forth between playing agent and customer, record the session, and find out what you both need to fix in your listing presentation. Doing this with agents at your same level, in a safe environment and for just a few minutes, will give you the opportunity for an even exchange of helpful feedback that will make you both better agents.

This is how you practice like you play so you can play like you practice. To be a great lister you really only need to learn 15 questions and 5 trial closes. Getting that right changes the way you run your entire business and gives you a whole new level of confidence in your capabilities.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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