Pipeline Progression

As a great agent you’ve got to think about progressing the buyers and sellers inside of your database, so my Coaching Tip today is about pipeline progression. Your part is to show them a new property, share relevant information with them, and motivate them to decide to make things happen.

When something is really important you meet on it regularly. Think about spending just 20 minutes a week going over your sellers hit list with your team. You can evaluate seller potential by finding out which situations they may be in right now, what their next step might be, and any barriers standing in their way.

Before a client will be ready to sell you have to find out what will allow them to make that decision. You’ll also need to help get a timeline worked out so that they know what they’ll be doing and when.

What you need to do is print a list of all your potential sellers and call every one. Ask questions to discover the problem they need to solve and what they want from their next home, identify their next steps and learn how you can progress them.

The most important thing in pipeline progression is the conversations you have with your clients as their agent. If you don’t know the clients in your database, and they don’t know you, why would they choose you as their agent? You develop your pipeline by spending time on it, so meet with your team, have quality conversations, and progress the client by helping them get past their challenges.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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