Obsess About The Customer

Between your customer and your competition, one will pay your invoice whilst the other simply annoys you. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you why it pays to obsess about the customer and what it is that you do for them.

Think about how you drive the value of what you do as an agent to make it easy for your customer. If they could press a button and everything around buying or selling their home would just get done, they’d do it. You want to be that button.

The problem arises when you come in to play your part in that role without thinking about all the other people who are critical to getting the deal together. Think of the customer journey and have those conversations with the client around all the steps they’re going to need to take.

The customer experience you deliver is what sets you apart from your competition. It’s not about what you promote, it’s about your service standard and what the client experiences with you as it happens.

Some agents look to other agents for inspiration around what to do on social or in the letterbox, or what fees to charge. In reality the only important thing is what you can do for your customer. When you start to obsess about the customer is when your business will rapidly start to grow.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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