Momentum Shifters

Looking ahead and unsure of what to do with your business? Maybe all you need are a few momentum shifters. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how to change that feeling of uncertainty by producing better call lists.

A lot of agents are missing too many opportunities by failing to think about who they could be calling right now, and what that conversion would look like. Think: How many past clients are you calling up on their settlement anniversary?

Business is all about relevancy, frequency and consistency. Building a better call list is as simple as calling every single person you’ve done business with over the course of your career, and follow up with whatever transaction they did with you.

Whether it’s past clients, market appraisals or buyers, you are not short of people to call. You just have to be motivated to take action, make call lists that build momentum, and use momentum shifters that will make opportunity happen.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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