Modernising Your Marketing

The shift from newspaper to digital is changing the way we do marketing. Today my Coaching Tip is about modernising your marketing using social media communities like Facebook to expand your audience.

There are two Facebook tools you want to be using called Facebook Pixel and Facebook Custom Audiences. Facebook Pixel is a piece of code you embed into your website that notes when a customer visits your website, then finds their Facebook account and targets your advertising to them there.

Facebook Custom Audiences is even more sophisticated. It allows you to load your entire customer database into it and serve marketing content to those people specific to their situation. You can basically create specific content, such as video, for each of your database categories, and Facebook Custom Audiences will serve those specific videos to those custom audiences. From there you can link them back to corresponding landing pages at your website. It’s a powerful way to stay relevant to those people you already know.

You can also take an integrated approach to multiple social media sites like Instagram and LinkedIn, which have their own sets of tools and capabilities and often connect to each other. So if you can connect with a client at one site, you’re then connected to them at all the sites they visit. It’s all about retargeting so that once the customer has interacted with you they will continue to see your ads and can then reconnect with you when they need your services.

What you’re doing as an agent is changing. Modernising your marketing assures you’ll really get through to your end consumer on a regular and consistent basis. Make the decision now to become a great agent by getting good at digital.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Brilliant Josh, great heads up on innovating the marketing approach. I have been looking at ways in which to stay ahead of the curve and I think this really helps me given IT is not a key skill of mine.

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