Modernising the Workspace

How much of your business is accessible on mobile devices? It’s an important question, and my Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip this month is about modernising the workplace by implementing a mobile-first strategy.

Ten years ago people didn’t think your business was legitimate if you didn’t have a landline phone, a fax, and a street address for your physical office. Now we have systems like VOIP that divert all of your calls to mobile. As technology changes we need to think about flexible workspaces and open environments that allow people to succeed.

It’s all about putting your business where people are, and people are on iPads, iPhones, Samsungs – 67% of all the traffic coming to the Josh Phegan website is based on mobile access. When we built our new website we made it mobile first, and the idea I’m getting you to think differently about is allowing mobile accessibility to all of the things that really count in your business, for your customers and your teams.

Instead of carrying paper around with them everywhere, your agents need to have all of your procedures, policies, checklists, forms, dialogues, visuals, etc. available right now in the digital environment of a mobile-first strategy.

Your goal as a great principal and business leader is to understand and implement a mobile-first environment. Your people need immediate access to information, and they can do new things with that information to make it more meaningful, and to be more successful.

Don’t get stuck trying to solve the wrong problems. Get clear about those activities that drive the value for the business. Modernising the workplace on a mobile-first foundation makes everything shift into greater outcomes for your customers, your agents and your business.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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