Mastering Negotiation

You’ll never get the very best price the market will pay by presenting solo offers to your vendors. My Coaching Tip this week is about mastering negotiation, and I’ll start with demonstrating when an offer is clearly out in front.

As you start into a negotiation you’ll often find your vendor is locked at a price point they want to sell at. You may have their best buyer at a slightly lower price, but you’ve got to have more than one offer to clearly demonstrate the best offer to the vendor.

I’ll illustrate these concepts with some actual case studies and show you how these agents were able to help their vendors make better decisions around selling their homes for the best price possible. And these are methods you can use with your own clients.

When an offer is only presented in isolation the owners can’t know if it’s actually the best offer, so when you take an offer forward you must also have other offers to clearly show that this is the standout money. Your vendors need to see that this buyer is prepared to pay substantially more than the next two.

When you move people into logistics is where you really begin mastering negotiation. Learn these new negotiation tactics and you’ll get your vendors excited because they can see how things are actually going to happen.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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